事務局 〒150-0045 東京都渋谷区神泉町8-7 日本山妙法寺内
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拝啓 安倍晋三総理大臣閣下









 ロバート・クッシング師 プロフィール

St. Theresa Catholic Church
807 South Third Street
Cordele, Georgia 31015 USA
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Minister of Japan
2-3-1- Nagata-cho Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 1000-0014 Japan
Fax: 81-033-581-3883
Dear Prime Minister Abe:

We (members of Pax Christi-Georgia) join with the people of Japan in requesting that you respect and maintain Japan's Peace Constitution with its Article 9. We will call on our U.S. government to respect the integrity of this Article and refrain from its efforts to integrate Japan into U.S. military strategy for the region. Such military integration would not only harm Japan, but also contribute to destabilizing the region. Today more than ever, the world desperately needs a new path toward peace. Article 9 represents such a model path.

Article 9 of Japan's Constitution is a clear promise by the people of Japan to the world to never repeat its history of war and colonization. Article 9 sets the important challenge of working towards world peace through dialogue, confidence-building, and mutual cooperation, and not through military means.

A change in Article 9 would instantaneously turn Japan's already powerful self-defense force into a threat to neighboring countries, further destabilizing an area whose stability is already placed at risk by tensions on the Korean Peninsula and across the Taiwan Strait. It would therefore create a serious threat to global peace.

We join with the people of Japan in requesting that you respect and maintain Japan's Peace Constitution with its ARTICLE 9.

Grateful for your attention to this urgent concern,
Fr. Robert Cushing, with Pax Christi GA

ロバート・クッシング師 プロフィール

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事務局 〒150-0045 東京都渋谷区神泉町8-7 日本山妙法寺内